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June 17, 2021 | by Mike Poole

Choosing between tin roof or shingles

Tin Roof vs Shingles | Which One Suits You The Best?

When it comes to roofing, there are two most popular options in the market to select from – shingles and tin roofs. Although shingles have become a very common and most loved option of roofing for many reasons, tin roofs are also proving to be a good choice for a roof. Here, in this article, we are going to outline some important points that will help you narrow down whether tin roof vs shingles is best for your home?

While both of these materials are designed to provide a sturdy roof over your head, the choice might vary depending on your needs. So, before you decide between these two options, take the time to gather some information to help determine which roof is best for you. After all, it is a known fact that “informed decision is the best decision”.

The Look

The most prominent factor that will determine your choice is your desired look. This is one of the first things that comes to mind while selecting the roof you want to install. Shingles give a more traditional touch to your home. Whereas, tin roofs may provide a more modern style.

The shingle roof comes in different looks such as wood shakes, slate, or even tile. For example, if you are into a Mediterranean style, a tile shingle roof might be right for you. However, the tin roof offers many benefits, including longevity & may be a more durable option depending on the environment your home is in.

Tin roof vs Shingles – Durability & Cost

Another point to consider while deciding between tin roof and shingles is the durability factor. The average cost for roof replacement depends on many factors which includes the type of roof.  Often the lifespan of shingles is not as long as tin roofs.  In general, metal roofs, including tin roofs, tend to last longer. Tin roofs have proven to be more economical.  In general, metal roofs cost between $120 to $900 per 100 square feet, where shingles will cost you between $100 to $200 per 100 square feet.

In terms of life expectancy, metal / tin roofing is superior to shingle roofing. However, the cost of a metal roof can be off-putting for some homeowners. In addition, shingle roofing remains one of the most popular roofing materials across the United States.

Bottom Line

In short, when it comes to deciding between tin roof vs shingles, it all boils down to personal preference and cost. Whatever your preference is, Southern Siding & Gutters is here for you to help you choose. Contact us today at 770-775-9374 for more information or to receive a quote.

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